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Mojgan Zolfagharian

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Mojgan Zolfagharian
Mojgan Zolfagharian, Master’s degree in Teaching English in Medical Field

Mojgan Zolfagharian

MA in teaching English in the field of medicine. Graduated in 1995 from Iran University of Medical Sciences with a degree in midwifery. Alongside conducting research and translating the latest scientific articles in various health fields, she has gained extensive clinical experience in midwifery throughout the years.

Mojgan Zolfagharian founded ParsaPajoohesh Arian Cultural Institute in 2001. Recognizing the high demand among women as the primary guiding force in family cultural education, she established this institute along with her partners. One of the institute’s initiatives was the design and launch of a maternity and women’s information website, which received approval from the Ministry of Guidance and was registered there.

Mojgan Zolfagharian established this website in 2010 with a specialized focus and collaboration with the Midwifery Association of Alborz Province. Through the experiences gained from this collaboration and a perceived need for more involvement from graduates and students of various medical and para-medical groups in the field of translating new, reliable scientific articles from around the world, she translated and published free scientific articles.

Mojgan Zolfagharian started studying English language (specialization in medicine) at Kharazmi University in Tehran in 2014. Currently, she continues her cultural activities and is still serving her beloved women and mothers in her country.

4.6/5 - (29 votes)

Mojgan Zolfagharian - Academic and Research Records

MA in Teaching English in Medical Field - 10
Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (BSM) - 10



MA in Teaching English in Medical Field, Bachelor of Science in Midwifery (BSM)

User Rating: 4.56 ( 5 votes)

