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Scientific and research journal of

women, family, nutrition, health, beauty, psychology, medicine, and midwifery.

This scientific news magazine aims to provide the latest news, research, and scientific advancements in various fields of science. This research journal strives to comprehensively and systematically cover a wide range of topics such as nutrition, health, beauty, psychology, medicine, and obstetrics. In addition to offering engaging and informative news in areas of science and technology, women, family, nutrition, health, beauty, psychology, medicine, and obstetrics, this women’s news magazine also provides reports on new research, interviews with researchers and doctors in various fields, scientific and analytical articles, and specialized reviews. As a reliable source, our scientific and research journal helps readers stay informed of the latest developments and discoveries and keep their knowledge up to date on scientific and technological, medical, and obstetric issues.

Celebrating the Essential Role of Midwifery Worldwide 2024


Remaining time until World Midwife Day 2024:


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The medical magazine focuses on publishing news and articles related to various fields of medicine, public health, nutrition, mental health, and other areas related to improving the quality of human life. The health and treatment magazine is prepared by a team of physicians and specialists in the field of health and treatment, who carefully review and publish new estimates and scientific research in medical areas in their articles. In this magazine, you can stay informed about the latest medical news, treatment advances, disease prevention, clinical research, research achievements, and other important topics related to health and treatment. The advantage of using the health and treatment magazine is that you have access to continuous updates in various medical fields and can easily find the latest health-related articles and research in this magazine. In addition, the health and treatment magazine explains complex scientific equations in a simple manner so that everyone can benefit from its content. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone interested in medicine follow this magazine.


Medicine is a scientific and professional field that plays a role in the examination, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases, as well as the preservation and improvement of human health. A doctor improves the physical and mental condition of an individual through medical history, examination of symptoms and signs of the disease, diagnostic tests, prescribing treatments, and providing health advice. Doctors can specialize in various fields such as internal medicine, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, pediatrics, psychology, etc. The goal of medicine is to promote community health and treat patients, and it operates based on scientific, ethical, and legal requirements.

تعریف مامایی

Midwifery is a profession in the field of public health that involves caring for and counseling women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Midwives have responsibilities such as monitoring the health of the mother and fetus, performing necessary tests, providing nutritional guidance, exercises and physiotherapy, monitoring fetal growth, conducting natural deliveries, and observing the physical and mental well-being of mothers. Midwives can also assist in providing postpartum care for mothers, including wound care, vaginal postpartum care, breastfeeding support, and assistance with the new mother’s needs such as infant care.


Nutritional science focuses on studying and understanding the relationship between food and human body health. This scientific field examines the impact of compounds found in food (nutrients) on the health and growth of cells, tissues, and organs. The goal of nutritional science is to improve and maintain health, prevent diseases, and enhance the quality of human life.
nutritional science provides a deeper understanding of the positive and negative effects of nutrients in the body, including human dietary needs throughout different stages of life, prevention of diseases related to improper nutrition (such as obesity and diabetes), and principles of healthy eating throughout lifespan. Additionally, nutritional science also emphasizes the study of social, cultural, and psychological factors that influence nutrition.


Psychology is a scientific field that examines human behavior and cognitive processes. It studies psychological factors such as perception, motivation, emotion, personality, and psychological growth, aiming to provide a deeper understanding of the human mind and social relationships. Psychologists gather and analyze data and evidence to gain a better understanding of the causes and factors related to human behavior, and they offer suitable solutions for personal and social improvement and development. Psychology has a broad impact on various areas of life, including mental health, education and training, work and organizations, interpersonal relationships, and spiritual and physical well-being.

فائزه دانشمند

Dr. Faezeh Daneshmand

Faezeh Daneshmand, a Ph.D. in Professional Medicine.

زهره طالبی

Dr. Zohreh Talebi

Zohrah Talebi, a Ph.D. in Professional Medicine.

دکتر محبوبه مشایخی

Dr.Mahboubeh Mashayekhi

Mahboubeh Moshayekhi, Doctor of Pharmacy and candidate of the Specialty Board of Pharmacy in Special Diseases.

مژگان ذوالفقاریان

Mojgan Zolfagharian

Mojgan Zolfagharian, Bachelor of Midwifery, Master of Teaching English in Medicine